The Car Ride Home.

After a long day of protesting on the day of the memorial for #GeorgeFloyd, I found myself calling my boss, BNB co-founder, Winnie Caldwell, for a ride back home the morning after. Body fatigued, emotions at a high, but heart in the right place. I was happy to see such a familiar face and warm spirit, even though you could see the weariness in both of our eyes. 

We are tired. 

It has always been, and forever will be, a constant fight to uplift and advocate for black lives. I found comfort in seeing her face after having to navigate everything virtually for Books N Bros due to COVID-19. To have been out all night the day prior sharing space with the community, chanting, and demanding justice for not only George Floyd, but Breonna Taylor and so many more whose lives have been taken, there was comfort in that car ride home. Maybe it was simply being in the presence of another black woman who just...understands. Or maybe it was the nurturing spirit of a mother, who now has an 8th grade graduate. Or maybe it was seeing a fellow entrepreneur and activist who I look up to personally. 

There was comfort in that car ride home. 

I am forever grateful to work for a company like Books N Bros who not only sees me but shows up for me in every way possible. Who’s constant fight and attention has been towards community building and culturally driven literacy. I don’t have that fear of losing my job for speaking out on these issues or showing up in these spaces, because they have always been right there with me. Taking up space, and advocating for things we deserve. I am grateful.

We may be weary, but the work is far from over. We will continue to amplify the voices of the black community. We will continue to stand for young boys like Sidney, and all of the current and future #coolbros who have joined our mission in broadening the lens of literacy.

Whether you are in the streets or in your homes, please stay safe +  I hope during this time you can find comfort in something as simple as a car ride home. Love to you all. 


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